Step 1️⃣: Create my account on Airtable
Step 2️⃣: Import all the documents needed
During this step, make sure you have all the elements needed. The more complete your file is, the less work you will have to do in FLEET.
How to fill in my form completely?
Step 3️⃣: Verify that all information is correct
The limit is two imports per account, so we have gathered all the good practices to take into account before importing your file.
Step 4️⃣: Contact the Smart Sailors team to inform them that the file is ready
We check that all the information is correct, if we notice that some data is missing or that there are data that could be wrong during the import, we let you know so that you can fix it.
✅ Congratulations! Your file has been successfully imported and you will find all your data on FLEET.
😰 Did you make a mistake or forget some information? No worries! You are allowed a second import.