Edit an order

👉 Find out how to edit an order?

Guireg CAPITAINE avatar
Written by Guireg CAPITAINE
Updated over a week ago

✨ This feature is available with Enterprise offer.

You have placed an order through the purchase module and now you want to modify it?

Here is how to do it:

1. Go to “Purchases” and choose “Orders”

2. Click on the order concerned

Only non-validated orders can be modified. If you make a mistake on a validated request, you will have to cancel it and start over.

👉 Click on the blue icon “Edit this order”

You can also add information in the section "Wishes items" or add comments and attachments.

Fill your order on FLEET as much as possible, it allows you to save time when you will send it to your suppliers.

🎉 Your request has been modified, all that remains is to validate.

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